02 Jun 2023
How To Get The BEST Wedding Photography!
Annabel Ricketts

How do you get those “Must have” wedding photos? That is something that Chris Denner from Artisan X Photography get asked a lot, how does he get those essential wedding photos, those absolutely killer wedding photos?
Chris ( Artisan X ) has quickly become the emerging photographer for relaxed, on trend and colourful couples. Known for his quirky, non-traditional style we asked him his advice.
He says the most obvious thing is this. You get what you pay for. So, definitely invest in the best photographer that you can afford and that you connect with.
In fact he says price shouldn’t be a couples main consideration, and that couples should book photographers who`s work they love and that they feel comfortable with. Research their google reviews, website and SM feeds and ask to see further examples of their work that isn’t already available.
Also invest in the best confetti / smoke bombs / sparklers that wedding couples can. Try not to cheap out ( though you`ll definitely be tempted too ) on the photo props that actually mean a lot to you. Chris shared lots of stories of wedding couples that have ended up disappointed when they had this huge vision of an amazing sparkler tunnel, but they bought the wrong ( or cheap ) sparklers and the things don’t light or gutter out too quickly! The same with confetti. Buy twice as much of it as you think you`ll need. Plan, plan then plan some more! If you want a huge confetti photo then order lots of it!
Then your next step is communication. Communicate with your venue, with each other and mostly the photographer. Photographers are usually a friendly bunch, and they just want to meet your expectations, so it’s always worth picking there expert brains, and asking sure the venue are cool with your ideas. For example, some venues only like a certain style of confetti, and some don’t like you using smoke or sparklers.
It’s obviously best knowing this before the wedding day!
Also be realistic with the timings, and your expectations. You`ll need to timeline in enough time for your photographer to work their magic, and nail those killer wedding photography that you want. Chris suggests that by booking the right photographer a lot of these issues should be taken care of for you, but be mindful that you don’t try to force your photographer into a style that isn’t them. For example of you book a documentary photographer you can’t expect your bridal portrait to be posed and look like the cover of Vogue magazine.
In regards to “formal” wedding photos ( or the grandma mantle piece photos as I call them ) it’s always best discussing this pre wedding with the photographer AND getting a list to them beforehand so they know what they are working with. A family member close by to help organise people also really helps and will save you a lot of stress on the day.
Timeless wedding photography is just that. Timeless and precious. Chris is always get asked about how to approach the family wedding photography part of the day, so it isn’t stiff, and how couples can create some beautiful wedding photos.
Chris`s advice – don’t skip the family photos. You`ll never know when you need a memory. Chris advises couples to have a think before the big day, and talk to us ( the photo people! ) – we`re on your side, and want you to love your wedding photos.
