HOT OFF THE PRESS! TNWS Exclusive with designer Ian Stuart

We are blogging live from The National Wedding Show! #TNWS Birmingham

Renowned for his glamorous, luxury creations international multiple award-winning designer Ian Stuart has always had a passion for making women look and feel fabulous and he shared his pearls of wisdom with lucky brides-to-be on The Wedding Theater earlier today at The National Wedding Show.
"Brides are really looking to create and define there own personal look and not follow trends"
"Girls now are getting a lot more conscious of not wanting to look like their best friend and look more like themselves."
Swirls of silk with a hint of platinum colour- The Carousel from the Runway Rebel collection
After The Wedding Theatre Ian Stuart headed over to Adele Louise Bridal stand B1 L52 to give brides top tips and we were lucky enough to grab a quick 30 seconds with the designer!
T"here is so much inspiration here, all under one roof for the bridal party - you can find absolutely everything to do with weddings! The National Wedding Show provides great exposure for bridal boutiques in the area to showcase their collections. There are a lot of customers here from all over the country! I have met some really passionate and enthusiastic brides here, meeting them and getting their feedback will hopefully make me a better designer"