Rock n Roll Bride Are Coming!

My passion is inspiring brides and grooms-to-be to plan the wedding that they really want, in a world dictated by tradition and big frou frou dresses. I am driven by helping others and encouraging people to find their own path, and I do it all whilst rocking some rather large accessories!” Kat Williams, Rock & Roll Bride Editor
The National Wedding Show is proud to introduce Rock n Roll Bride blog to The National Wedding Show this Autumn. This is the first time that we have worked with Rock n Roll Bride and we are super excited to have the lovely editor Kat Williams taking part in the London Olympia show!
The Rock n Roll Bride is The Ultimate Guide for Alternative Brides! There is no ideal Rock n Roll Bride. Rock n Roll Bride shares a diverse variety of wedding inspiration; the only prerequisite is that each day is a perfect representation of the couple and their individuality. Think tattooed punk brides next to eco hippy chic weddings and DIY extravaganzas alongside elaborate Alice in Wonderland themed weddings and you’re maybe half way there. Being ‘Rock n Roll’ is not about being cool, being a rebel or even thinking of the most unique idea you can.
Kat will be doing a Q & A session at London Olympia on Saturday 26th September, followed by a meet and greet for lucky brides to be!
If you’re planning your wedding and want some ideas and inspiration on how to make the day truly memorable, get your questions at the ready and take to the wedding theatre for some rocking advice!
We here at The National Wedding Show can’t wait to Rock & Roll! Check out the blog (link to rock and roll) and stay tuned for more information.