Ticking off your wedding insurance isn’t typically as much fun as, say, picking out the bouquet or choosing the right favours – though there’s no accounting for some. That said, it’s just as important if you’re looking to protect your budget up to £25,000 from all kinds of things going wrong. In case you missed exhibitors My Wedding Insurance at our Birmingham event, here's an insight into the safest (and riskiest) month to set the date.
Courtesy of www.my-weddinginsurance.co.uk some new research paints a realistic picture of how likely things may be to go wrong and cause a claim on your insurance (calculated from all their successful insurance claims in 2014), and if the results change dramatically depending on when you set the date. (Spoiler alert: it looks like it makes a huge difference!)

To find out how wedding insurance could protect your plans from things going wrong up to two years in advance of your ceremony, visit www.my-weddinginsurance.co.uk.
It isn’t perfect until it’s protected.