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09 Feb 2017

Stress Weight Gain and Loss – How to sort it out!

Violette kraemer
Stress Weight Gain and Loss – How to sort it out!

TNWS supplier Sugarmedown reveals the science behind stress weight gain and loss and how to avoid this in the run up to your wedding day.

bride & Bridesmaids

Ask anyone, every bride has one or two stories to tell about their own wedding. They either lost or put on a shed load of weight.  Both can be devastating; especially when caused by either starving or feeding your stressful emotions. Then when it comes to the comfort of the honeymoon, they feel they have to cover themselves in a thick woolly towel until dark. Why is this?


 Your body responds to all stress in exactly the same way. Your brain instructs cells to release potent hormones. You get a burst of adrenaline, which taps stored energy and at the same time, you get a surge of cortisol, which tells your body to replenish that energy even though you have not used very many calories. This can make you hungry... very hungry. Generally, people then reach for sugar and carbs.

  Someone in every bridal party can tell their own version of the same occurrence. Stress Weight. Health experts in Australia have examined weight change among brides-to-be, they found those who endure months of strict low calorie dieting to shed pounds before their wedding day put on the most weight in the first half year of wedded bliss.


 Sugarmedown believe in the whole person approach, lifestyle change, not just for the big day but forever. No better time to embrace the empowerment of change than leading up to your wedding as your life is changing around you. Without added sugar your body is free of toxins and this shows not just on your scales but in your skin, hair, nails and in your energy levels.

Sugarmedown will be at our London Olympia show on stand F85 where you can discuss a new way to plan not just for your big day but for your life thereafter. We can advise about how best to help you plan for your fairy-tale, your new beginning, and how to lose added sugar from your life forever. There will also be an awesome exclusive show offer.

